Call me crazy.....but I kind of liked the off beat outfit that Lady GaGa wore upon her arrival of the MTV Video Music Awards.
Just that one though...lol.
It had a gothic and slightly Elizabethan era appeal to it that really made it work for the occassion. Neck brace and all. Her other outfits.....yeah, not so great. I did like the white get up she wore for her performance until she smeared fake blood all over it, then it was just disgusting. But even though I constantly look at Lady GaGa every time the camera panned over her and said, "What the f*#$% is she wearing?" I really applaud her for her ability to not care what the hell others think of her and just wear what she feels expresses her whole self and at the same time manage to make herself live art.
I mean afterall... isn't that what fashions all about?
~Danelle Benton-Smith