Who we are:


The London Look

I have always been a die-hard fan of everything British. (Sadly, I can name all the Kings and Queens of England since King Henry the 8th.) London fashion week is coming up on the 18th of February and I will be eager to see the latest mod London trends. London has always been known for its use of solid vibrant colors and its edgy black and whites. America's infatuation with British culture has led to numerous Union Jack flag representations in apparel. One of my favorite fashion models, Twiggy, popularized the mod look, a style that originated in London in the 1950's which emphasized clean lines, pop art-style, and miniskirts. Today's interpretation of mod style includes many of the same themes including the oxford shoe, military-like jackets, and skinny jeans.

Here are a few things we can look forward to from London Fashion Week:

A great use of Union Jack red  

Edgy Black and White with short hemlines

As always,