Who we are:


La Isla Bonita

If you like pina coladas, then get ready to soak up the sun on your island of choice, preferably the Caribbean. A few of Jean Paul Gautier's pieces in his Spring 2011 are reminiscent of palm trees and beaches with blue and green hues. The whole idea is so relaxing, but I'm not too sure about how I'd feel wearing a giant tree on my summery dress. As much as I love the planet, I think you can try earthy colors by going a different route.

Even if you aren't a fan of green or beautiful leaves, you can be subtle and try a shade of green or brown that won't shout FICUS.

Kudos to JP for trying to live on the wild side, but for now I'll leave palm trees to do their own thing.

Keep it snazzy darling fashionistas,

Jacqueline Valle