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Abu Dhabi . . . A definite Do!

Abu Dhabi is quickly growing and making great strides in the fashion world. The vast desert is transforming into a key vacation destination, and as their city changes, their culture is also slowly evolving. Abu Dhabi now hosts a fashion week comparable to those in New York and Milan, Valentino has even shown there! I know that I really began to become enchanted after seeing Sex and the City 2. The wardrobe stylists for that movie are my idols. They took couture fashion and used it to create culturally aware looks that were fashionable but still appropriate for the location of the movie. 

I wish I could have an unlimited bank account and purchase all sorts of patterned scarves and chiffon coats and maxi skirts, but I am a poor college student on a budget. So here are a few ideas on how to add simple touches that represent Middle Eastern culture:

Scarves are easy ways to accessorize basically any look and are reminiscent of the Middle Eastern attire:

I also love the turbans that I have seen since Sex and the City 2 came out:

Another item that is flirty and fashionable is a maxi skirt:

Each of the listed items are probably in your wardrobe and you didn't even know how it came to be there. Sure you bought it at some store in the mall but it actually came from a designer who was inspired by something they saw. I think it is amazing how the clothes that we wear are created with a reason and each item has a background.

حتى في المرة القادمة  (Until Next TIme) ,

Cortney Kaminski