
Mirror, Mirror…What’s my Curve ID?

Levi’s “Mirror, Mirror…What’s my Curve ID?” studio invaded Arizona State on the Oct. 18 in Hassayampa Village, making a huge statement to the college students who participated in the event.  Levi’s® is constantly looking for a creative and courageous way of helping to make the world a better place; it only made sense that they would be the ones to put on such a pioneered and selfless event.

The objective for the Sun Devils on the other side of the spectrum was to have as many jean fittings as possible, in the hopes of partaking in some friendly college rivalry with the University of Arizona for the $10,000 grant awarded to the winning school. If the event was anything close to football, then this would be no problem for us!

The event included a white tent filled with a runway-type feel as there was a DJ, hair and make-up stylists, custom fittings and a multitude of Levi’s jeans for potential college-student participants to try on.

Mary Mccorkle, Levi’s Tour Manager, said, “Sales is not our main objective here since we aren’t actually selling our product during the event. Our ultimate focus is to reinvent our brand by helping to create a fun experience for others.”

Upon discovering my own curve id through completing the process, this revelatory experience for me concluded that it was no longer a size that determined how great a pair of jeans fit, but your unique “curve” that solidified comfort.

Believe it or not ladies, for once we’ll want to praise ourselves for our shapely figures instead of feeling discouraged by a number thanks to this new-wave approach. From the “bold ” to the “slight”, to the “demi”, or “supreme curve”, there’s a certain fit for everyone!  
Flavia Nelson, a Levi’s marketing rep, said, “The real revolution here lies in the way the jeans are designed in that it takes in to account your curve and not just your size.”

As I first approached the red velvet ropes, I was utterly impressed by how the event exuded a professional yet relaxing atmosphere.

The process first began with the students registering, followed by a custom fitting by one of Levi’s very own reps. Once given your specified “curve id”, the real fun begins in the process of trying on the perfect fit of jeans along with getting your hair and make-up done, thanks to Levi.

Once the primping ceased and the jeans were on, it was then that a brief modeling shoot proved just how amazing each girl looked in her denim! A token was given to each participant serving as a means of voting for the women’s academics, athletics and/ or arts programs that would receive the grant if Arizona State did in fact beat the Wildcats.

Amelia, an Arizona State Junior, said, “The music and lights were what really drew me in and once involved, I felt like I was some sort of celebrity!” It was true that Levi really outdid itself with putting on such an innovative and inclusive event, being that any student had the opportunity of feeling like a rockstar if they would to.

If Levi’s motives for its’ “go forth” campaign are to reinvent itself with positive change, then their most definitely heading in the right direction. It seems as though they have found a successful approach at balancing denim with dreams.  After all, if the jeans fit…then they’re most likely Levi’s.

Avery Robrock