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Gotta Love the Boys!

I have to say, I was quite impressed by the number of BEST and WORST dressed male artists who attended this year's grammy awards.

As for my favorites; Lenny Kravitz. Some may not agree, but I think I was oddly attracted to his look due to it being so "not" Lenny Kravitz. First of all unlike his normal look he had no hair, and second he had a very hard, edgy rock n' roll vibe. I tend to love all black and I think Mr. Kravitz made a very successful attempt at a new change in his style. 

My second fave, the lovely Mr. Drake. Drake pulled off this all black Giorgio Armani beautifully; not only due to the slick all black color but also the well done execution of the tailored structure of the suit. Drake cleans up pretty well I would say!

And lastly, the gorgeous Usher. He appeared to keep it very casual but he made it work in his favor. The very "slouchy" look all surrounded by complimenting colors and those great boots...very victorian almost? I mean it's Usher, how could you not love him!

I had to put this one in. Not because I like it, but because it's just plain awful! What are you thinking Bieber? This isn't prom! I'm not even sure this kid is even old enough to go to prom. Who in their right mind wear's those shoes with a suit? This poor kid needs a new stylist and a new tailor! Maybe next year Justin.

Gotta Love the Boys, 
[Margaret Hernandez]