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A new Eye for school

As always the start of school means a fresh start, whether it’s new classes, new people or a new environment all together!

For me, going back to school usually means at least a new outfit or two! Let’s face it; a girl has got to stay classy and absolutely fabulous! This year brought something new and even better for me though!

A new pair of glasses! Ones that weren’t just navy blue squares like my old ones. These black frames with a side stripe of pink rhinestones on the side are the perfect accessory to get you focused, both fashionable and visually (pun intended), on your studies! And hey, they’re even made by Diane vonFurstenberg, a not so bad brand if I may say so!

I have already worn these glasses more times to class than my previous pair. There’s nothing wrong with having bad vision; if anything it just gives you more of a reason to stand out and sparkle!

<3 Jordee Kalk