
Faux fur or Real fur?

My biggest animal inspiration has to be fur. I've had a love for fur ever since I can remember! I just wish I lived in the kind of environment/weather where it is more appropriate.

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE animals very much and I am always the one that cries when an animal gets killed in a movie...but I have to admit I do not have a problem with real fur for fashion (as long as the animal is not endangered). It is warmer, easier to care for, looks better, and lasts a heck of a lot longer than faux fur. This may mean that I really am addicted to fashion...

Below I'm attaching two photos of faux fur and two photos of real fur. Lets test if you see a difference...

If you guessed the first two are faux fur and the last two are real fur, you guessed correctly! One can tell the difference in the way it hangs on the body, the shininess, and just the over-all fullness of the coat/caplet.
I'm not saying that all faux fur is bad and no one should ever buy it, I'm just trying to express how beautiful I believe real fur is.

-Lindsay Jo