Who we are:


Lawn Gnome-in'

 HAPPY HALLOWEEN BOYS AND GIRLS! Yes, I know Halloween was yesterday and I'm a day late with this, but I had to share my costume with you all! To me, Halloween is the best holiday because you can either be someone else, or you can be your complete self. I think the day is best spent in costume no matter what your plans and that it should be fun. My costume this year was a lawn gnome! Being a college student, aka broke, I decided to go the cheaper route this year and make my own costume.

In my wardrobe already, I had the brown boots (thrift store, $10), the beige shorts (Penguin, Buffalo Exchange, $12) the white tank top (any department store) and the black belt (Forever 21). All I had to do was find the perfect green long-sleeved top, which was fairly easy at Buffalo Exchange. And the best part is it is from Banana Republic and in great condition! Which makes me a happy camper because it will definitely be put to good use outside of Halloween. Next I created the beard out of construction paper, cotton balls, and a little yarn to keep it hanging around my ears. Then I built a hat out of red construction paper and some staples. Easy peasy and all for a very low price! Hope everyone's Halloweekend was just as fun as mine!
