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Phoenix Fashion Week

Complete success. Thank you to all our members who were a part of the experience. You all did a great job. I hope you loved every part of it!

I must say I am impressed with the outcome. I went to what was said to be the best night, which was Saturday, and wow. Every single designer was just amazing. The Emerging Designers were even MORE amazing.

I had the chance to speak to the designers of SJ Couture, who I had previously interviewed for an article and won the $10,000 prize of emerging designer, they were just lovely. Congrats to them and I hope their career just gets better from here on out.

Shantidas, can we just say amazing? When those dresses with feathers came out, I almost died. Soooo, pretty!

Nymph. I would wear every single piece from that collection if I could. Definitely wearable clothing.

For those of you who know who Oday Shakar, the dress Sandra Bullock wore at the MTV Movie Awards this year, his line was lovely. While, I personally loved a teal dress that opened on the sides and had a brooch with diamonds on the back, I saw that the audience was in awe of his collection.

Fashion Week truly was amazing.

I can't wait for Scottsdale Fashion Week.

Stay classy & fabulous!

Jacqueline Valle